Comprehensive Behavior Management

Picture of Comprehensive Behavior Management
by Ronald C. Martella, J. Ron Nelson, Nancy E. Marchand-Martella & Mark O'Reilly
Sage Corwin Press / 2011
Paperback / 456 pages
List Price $117
Our Price $85
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Supporting teachers in preventing classroom management problems and responding to unwanted behavior when it occurs

Comprehensive Behavior Management: Schoolwide, Classroom, and Individualized Approachessupports teachers in preventing management problems and responding to unwanted behavior when it occurs in classrooms. The text offers a comprehensive presentation of three levels of behavior management strategies: individual, classroom, and schoolwide, all three of which contribute to a positive learning environment. A social learning emphasis in which human behavior is viewed within an ecological framework is integrated throughout the text. Application of this information is supported by a range of pedagogical devices such as vignettes, examples, strategies, and activities to show teachers how to manage behavior effectively. The analysis and applications in this text cover both general education and special education strategies.